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Remote Full-stack Developer


Remote Full-stack Developer

Hi, I’m Stephen, a remote full-stack developer with a BS in Computer Science, and a full-stack certificate from Microverse, a global and remote development academy that specializes in peer-to-peer and git. My degree in Business Information Technology means I’m equipped to handle ERP design & administration. Currently exploring back-end development opportunities with startups as well as companies with scale. Current stacks: Programming languages: Python- flask, HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, RSpec, ES6, Jest, React, Redux, Node.js Database: SQL , PostgreSQL Tools: Git, Github, Heroku, Linter, Webpack Github: Github-Portfolio: Portfolio: If you think I might be a match for your organization, feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Education / Certificates

Full Stack Developer | Microverse

2019 | 2020

* Gained professional experience with industry best practices (Git Flow, Linter, Pair Programming, OOP, SOLID, MVC, TDD) * Mastered mainstream technologies, in web development (React/Redux, Ruby on Rails, SQL) by building 30+ real-world projects. * Gained proficiency in coding with 1000+ hours in study data structure and algorithms, solving challenges in Hackerrank, LeetCode * Become global citizen by spending 2000+ hours working with team members from all over the world (over 100 countries)

Business Information Technology (Bbit) | Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology (Dekut)

2013 | 2018

Employment History

Ict Officer Attaché | Kenya Law Courts (Nyeri Law Court)

January, 2016 - April, 2016

* Provided user support to the staff for troubleshooting operating system and company applications, resulted in reduction of avg case waiting time by 30 minutes. * Assisted with new network setup, configuration, and administration to serviced stations, resulted in reduction of case transfer admin time. * Engaged in hardware maintenance and repairs within the organization and its service stations, resulted in reduction of external repair services cost.

Freelance Software Development | Freelancer

February, 2020 - Till Date

* Coordinate and communicate with clients in order to understand and come up with their project requirements. * Develop web projects for clients. * Formulate and document the client's projects.

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