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Pro Graphicwebdeveloper And Marketer


Pro Graphicwebdeveloper And Marketer

As an ENTREPRENEUR, I understand the challenges that come with running your own company. One of those challenges is creating a strong online presence. One that not only reflects your constantly evolving brand and identity – but one that SPEAKS U! I pride myself on sticking to clean design, best practices and contributing to the community. I enjoy learning new technology and staying up to date with the latest trends. The tech that I use: Node, React/Redux, ES6, HTML, Sass/CSS, Webpack, Wix,Wordpress,HTML,jQuery I would currently classify myself as an expert in HTML however, I have had experience with various other stacks, and have a knack for picking anything up fairly quickly. I also understand various aspects of business and marketing, and I have a background in customer service, sales, and leadership roles. When not coding/developing, I love playing video games, or hiking and bouldering for exercise.

Education / Certificates

Certified | Sololearn

2019 | 2020

PhP. 3 years Java. 3 years Html5 10 years Corel 15 years Marketing 15 years Experience in all

Employment History

Mis | Izandri Stander

January, 2009 - Till Date

Work as a freelancer

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